Archive for the ‘reviews’ Category

Disney Style Family Movie Night

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For a while now, I have been looking for a weekly family activity to do that will bring us all together, not cause fighting (can we say difficult with more than one child!), and is economical. In the beginning we tried family game night, but my son (age 3) had a very difficult time staying focused and understanding the rules and structure. 
Then, a few weeks ago, I decided to schedule a family movie night to was The Muppets. The kids and I had already seen the movie in the theater with their grandparents, but my husband had yet to see it, and I needed an excuse to rent it OnDemand. I decided to make a big deal with it in cooking a larger meal than normal, and serving it to the kids on the living room floor, and we all had a blast.

A few days later, my kids got to have a movie night with their grandparents and watched Peter Pan for the first time. I cannot tell you how much fun it was to share some of the movies I used to watch as a child with them in that type of setting. After Peter Pan ended, my son ran around pretending he was Peter Pan, and that he and his shadow were going to defeat the evil Captain Hook!

Since we started having movie nights, I have spent lots of time researching the old Disney classics to see how easy they are to purchase or rent. offers most of the old movies (such as Pollyana and Follow Me, Boys!) for only $1.99 to rent – also checked Netflix and iTunes for rentals (iTunes is a bit more on the spendy side).

It’s so much fun making lists of movies to share, and until the kids are older it gives my husband and I an extra level to connect on shouting out different things we loved as kids. And, for now, it gives us all something to look forward to during the week. I hope it’s something all of you will give a try too!

The 411 to Avoiding Meltdowns

Anyone with children knows that even the smallest amount of excitement and anticipation can lead to an ugly (and often times public) outburst. With all of us Disney lovers wanting to share the experience of a trip to Disneyland/World with our little ones, those outbursts can easily ruin a day in the parks (or, lets face it, even a local excursion/event). In order to avoid the frustration and exhaustion on our next trip, read on for some tried and true tips!

First off, set a basic and clear outline of the days activities. My kids often become worked up when they know something big is happening, but don’t know when and the anticipation kills them. So, for example, tell your little one at breakfast “we will be going to the Magic Kingdom after we eat, and will see some characters, and then will come back for a nap.” As the activities start, remind your child about the earlier discussion, and what comes next in the sequence. If you do choose to go back to the resort for a nap, let your child know that you will talk about the rest of the days activities after everyone has had the proper amount of rest, and is ready to go again.

Next, never fail to have enough snacks and water. This may seem far from a novel concept, but as a previous cast member it was shocking to see how many parents drug around their young children who had, had enough and were screaming for food. As we all know, wait time for food at Disney can be a bit daunting, so prepare in advance. Also, it is a good idea to stick to some tried and true healthy snacks from home ( if you’re able to pack them, or find something similar at the parks).

Another thing to do is to actually listen to what your child is saying (this works no matter the age – it even can work with newborns). So many times my daughter would become frustrated and angry because she had been mumbling about something that excited her, or that she wanted to see/do and no one heard her. Children at any age are trying to show that they’re growing up and can interact with the rest of the family, so let them even if that means taking a few minutes out of the day to sit on a bench and hear them out!

As a former cast member I also strongly encourage any parent to bring a change of clothes for their kids. Some of the rides can make them wet, or they may end up sticky from that Dole Whip or Mickey Bar you all enjoyed. I sure know my children throw a fit if they’re uncomfortable, so it’s easily avoided popping them into something new before they realize they’re wet/sticky/hot/etc.

One of the other tricks I have learned while being at home with my children is that they react in part to how I am acting. As parents, it is easy to let the day show on our faces and in our composure, and in the parks it is also easy to let everything cause us to rush and stress about the experience being perfect. The kids will pick up on all of that, and will react accordingly. So, though it’s hard, the best strategy for being in the park with young kids is to take it slowly, enjoy each reaction (even the bad ones – they will be funny later on!), and know that the park will always be there for another visit.

Something else to definitely schedule in on every trip (I will admit that even as an adult I have taken advantage of this) is a nap. Even if you and your child are no longer at a point of feeling they are necessary in day to day life, take a nap! It really helps to break up the day, and can avoid that mid afternoon boiling hot mess of a breakdown. If napping really isn’t something you want, then take an hour or two away from the parks for a swim in the pool, or to walk the grounds of your resort. Basically, take a break from the noise and constant movement to amp up the excitement for the evening.

Yet another thing I suggest is having any child that feels they are too old for a stroller out and about to practice walking for longer distances a few months prior to a trip. Most kids have no idea how large the parks are, and swear up and down to their parents that they can walk the whole thing, only to end up crying and begging to be carried. So let them train little by little so that nothing is a shock to their systems.

Finally, remember that your little ones will need comfortable shoes, sunscreen, and maybe a hat to keep themselves healthy and safe. No one is happy with blisters and a sunburn, so come up with a plan of action to avoid them!

I hope these tips help all of you in your next trip, and if anyone has more tips to share please feel free to comment or e-mail them to

Beauty and the Beast 3D – A Review!

Picture from

This last weekend my family and I decided to go and see Beauty and the Beast 3D while it was still in theaters. Both my husband and I were a little hesitant to go because we felt it would mainly be the original movie with a few effects thrown in; however, it is a classic that we both love so we decided that no matter what it would be worth it.

The short before the film was Pixar’s Tangled Ever After, and we loved it. The visuals were stunning, effects fun, and all of the characters were hilarious. It really helped build anticipation for the movie, and easily is one of my new favorites for the shorts.

Once the movie actually started, our initial feelings were confirmed. Though the artistry was stunning (even 20 years later it’s still amazing to see all of the details, hidden Mickey’s, and rich colors), the effects were few and far between. The 3D was really prominent whenever there was smoke, bubble, or champagne flying, and had a few whimsical moments in the final fight scene between the villagers and the house servants.

On the whole, I would definitely go see the movie again, and recommend it to anyone. Not for its effects, but for the experience of seeing a beautiful classic on a large screen. For me, it was reliving my childhood and sharing it with my children. For my husband (and almost all of the other adults in the theater) it was singing along to every single song, while dancing in their seats. It’s a happy movie, well worth the expense of current theater prices!